SnapSecChat: Sumo Logic's CSO Explains the Next-Gen SOC Imperative
In this latest SnapSecChat video series, our CSO, George Gerchow, talks about the imperative for building the next-gen security operations center (SOC) of the future. Why? Because today's IT landscape is becoming increasingly complex and cloud-based. Everything has changed, from applications being built on microservices, to the CI/CD pipeline, to new and merging toolsets that help us manage and secure our cloud-based infrastructure via APIs.
That means we must completely reimagine how we manage security operations if we are to keep pace with the rate of technological innovation. This includes a new level of rigor, adaptive processes, and industry and team collaboration to ensure we take a proactive security approach to continue to stay ahead of attackers.
For Sumo Logic, this means working with customers like The Pokemon Co. International and partners like Nordcloud to share industry best practices, processes and key learnings on how to effectively operate a modern day global SOC. To learn more about how Sumo Logic is working with Pokemon on joint SOC initiatives, check out this recent blog as well as the customer press release.
If you enjoyed this video, then be sure to stay tuned for another one coming to a website near you soon! And don’t forget to follow George on Twitter at @GeorgeGerchow, and use the hashtag #SnapSecChat to join the security conversation!
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Nicole Cieslak is the marketing communications manager at Sumo Logic and editor in chief of the Sumo Logic blog, responsible for sharing company news, research, partner/customer stories and other happenings with external stakeholders.