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Gather, analyze, and correlate domain, IP, and DNS data with the WhoisXML API integration
Gather, analyze, and correlate domain, IP, and DNS data with the WhoisXML API integration
WhoisXML API’s unique collection of DNS, WHOIS, and overall Internet intelligence has proven invaluable in augmenting the capabilities of commercial security platforms (SIEM, SOAR, and TIP) and helping Security Operations Centers (SOCs) and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) achieve superior network visibility.
Access billions of current and historical WHOIS, DNS, and IP records to achieve better observation, contextualization, and prioritization.
Add relevant context to any web property while analyzing and responding to threats, vulnerabilities, and other security events.
Retrieve insights from our Internet intelligence repositories to kickstart and unlock investigations as well as to gather forensic evidence.
This playbook is part of automation service playbooks, useful to perform different checks using only the WhoisXML API technology.
The actions inside the playbooks are as described in the image.
Overview of the integration including the resource name and available enrichment actions.